There are lots of reasons one might visit a fertility specialist: you might be an older woman (38 or older), suffer from endometriosis, experienced multiple miscarriages or ecotopic pregnancy, blocked fallopian tubes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or are a male with low sperm count.

First, you’ll want to find the fertility specialist in Chicago who will help you successfully reach your goal: to have a baby. Start by talking to people who have successfully become pregnant through a fertility specialist and ask about the different doctors and practices they’ve visited, their experiences and who they would recommend.

There are a lot of resources available to find people who are willing to share their experiences in finding a fertility specialist in Chicago. Various non-profits have forums and chat rooms where you can pose your questions. There are also several Facebook groups in the Chicago area directed at people looking for fertility help. Once you’ve narrowed down a few names, you can also start talking with people who have direct experience with those specific doctors and ask them their opinions.

It’s important to distinguish between a fertility specialist and one who is not. Specifically, a fertility specialist is also known as a reproductive endocrinologist, and will have spent three years after medical school in a reproductive endocrinology and infertility fellowship. This is something you’ll want to ask a doctor – where they pursued their fellowship.

Next, you’ll want to schedule an appointment with at least a couple of the fertility specialists to see which one can help your specific needs. Bring a list of questions and be direct with your concerns. Find out how well the practice communicates and decide whether you’re willing to make a longer drive for appointments with one particular fertility specialist in Chicago versus another.

The fertility specialist may do some initial tests to get a better sense of your personal health, as well as on your partner if one is available. It also helps to bring any history or prior health records with you for the doctor’s review.

Each fertility specialist in Chicago may have a different focus or distinction that makes them stand out above another. Based on what your individual needs are, it will help to narrow down your choice based on their focus as well.

Because the fertility journey is an emotional one, combined with hormones and a lot of waiting, you’ll want to find a practice that can help you through the process as easily as possible. However, because there are so many good fertility specialists in Chicago, you’ll also want to make sure you find the best one who ultimately succeeds in meeting your end goal: whether that’s to help you become pregnant, find a surrogate, or perform successful surgery. That individual or practice might not mesh with your immediately personality or comfort zone, but it helps to surround yourself with a great support network to get through the entire journey.