There are plenty of resources for advanced fertility methods in Chicago. Sometimes, a couple requires that next step to give their fertility journey a nudge. That’s after trying textbook fertility methods which just might not be working for you. It’s actually quite common among couples, and there are a lot of alternatives that you can discuss with your doctor.

The great news about advanced fertility is that there are so many new and innovative methods that come up around town, and many options for couples or individuals to try. You’re bound to find a physician in Chicago who is trained in the latest fertility treatments.

First, the doctor will usually recommend a variety of diagnostic tests to examine how to proceed. This usually involves bringing in medical records to your appointment, including family health history, gynecological history, and any previous infertility treatments at prior practices. The doctor will also perform baseline tests for each partner.

There are many types of advanced fertility treatments available in Chicago and elsewhere. During in vitro fertilization, there are several procedures that can help the process along. For example, a significant amount of sperm is usually required for IVF. But if the male partner has a low sperm count or other concerns regarding sperm, an Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) can help use the few available sperm. The sperm is immobilized using specialized micromanipulation equipment and then injected into the egg.

Another advanced fertility procedure that some doctors in Chicago offer is assisted zona hatching (AZH). Prior to implanting an embryo into the uterus lining, it has to hatch out of its zona pellucida, or outer layer. However, some embryos have a harder time hatching out of the zona because the IVF process can abnormally thicken that layer. AZH is another micromanipulation technique used to stabilize the embryo and help the embryo hatch prior to transfer.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is also another advanced fertility procedure that helps test embryos for genetic disorders before placement in the uterus. It is usually considered for women over the age of 37 or those with recurrent miscarriages. It is also suggested for families with a history of genetic diseases. The test is accomplished by testing the DNA in one of the cells in each embryo, which helps the doctor select which embryo for implantation.

All advanced fertility treatments should be performed in a tightly-controlled environment, including the correct air purity, temperature, oxygen level, and others for an embryo-friendly atmosphere.

When interviewing advanced fertility doctors in Chicago, it’s a good idea to ask about the different treatments they offer, the success rate, whether the doctor or a nurse does the procedure, and how they control for success. This helps give you a good sense of what to expect from the practice and to help relieve any concerns you might have.