IVF Family

“We have been so blessed that I know all the pain and suffering we endured was worth it.”

We’re featuring Molly’s story today! Molly’s story is unique because she was diagnosed with unexplained infertility. This is a tricky diagnosis, because even after testing a cause cannot be determined. When this is the case, there is a lot of trial and error in order to achieve pregnancy. But as Dr. Miller always says: “Trust the process.” That’s just what Molly did and now she has two beautiful sons. Read her story below.

I first became a patient of Dr. Miller’s in 2012 when I had a myomectomy, a surgical procedure to remove uterine fibroids. After getting married and trying for several months to get pregnant, a co-worker suggested I see Dr. Miller, but this time as a fertility specialist. At our first appointment, Dr. Miller ordered blood work and a hysterosonogram which is an ultrasound exam that provides images of the inside of the uterus to help diagnose the cause of abnormal vaginal bleeding. However, everything came back fine. I was told I had unexplained fertility. This wasn’t the news I wanted to hear! It would have been easier to have a specific reason for why I could not get pregnant.

I was put on medication for thyroid and prolactin issues. After a month on the medication, it was advised we try an IUI. We failed all three attempts. Dr. Miller said IVF would need to be our next step. Soon after, my retrieval resulted in 26 eggs! My husband and I were so excited, our dream of having a baby was one step closer.

However, we were unable to do a fresh transfer at that time because I was borderline for Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). This occurs when a woman’s ovaries swell and leak fluid into the body. This condition is temporary and occurs in less than 5% of women who receive fertility treatments. Instead, we ended up freezing 8 embryos. About two months later one embryo was successfully transferred. It was a strange feeling, because I was so happy and terrified at the same time.

After graduating from Dr. Miller’s office, my OB/GYN monitored me closely and that little embryo was born at 34 weeks gestation. Again, I was happy and terrified at the same time. Thankfully our little boy was healthy and strong.

After our son turned 18 months, we decided to start the process to have another child. We decided to follow the same protocol as before and do a transfer in three months. Unfortunately, it failed. After meeting with Dr. Miller again, he advised us to do a trial cycle with an Endometrial Biopsy (EMB). An EMB tests whether the uterine lining is preparing itself adequately for implantation of the embryo. If the lining is out of phase, it can prevent implantation from occurring or result in an early miscarriage. Because the results of my EMB were abnormal, I was treated with progesterone. The following month we had another transfer and it was successful! We welcomed our second baby boy this June./p>

Our two little boys are thriving! We are so happy we found Dr. Miller and are so grateful for everyone in the office as well as Dr. Deutch who did our last transfer. Our advice to other couples going through infertility is to know that you are strong, brave and deserve to be parents. Don’t ever give up! We have been so blessed that I know all the pain and suffering we endured was worth it.