Finding an IVF clinic in Chicago to perform your in-vitro fertilization can be a daunting task, but it’s not impossible. There are many IVF clinics in the Chicago area, but not all of them will be exactly what you are looking for. How do you decide which clinic to go with?

There are many types of IVF clinics in Chicago, ranging from individual practitioners and small practices to universities or hospital-based clinics. There are benefits to each kind, and the type also varies based on your personal situation and what you’re looking for. Individual practitioners may be more personable and available to speak with, while larger practices and hospitals have more equipment and in-house labs.

First, consider logistics. Insurance is usually one major factor that will determine whether a particular IVF clinic is the best for you. You can easily figure this one out by calling the clinic and finding out if it will accept your insurance. If your insurance doesn’t cover IVF treatments, it may cover fertility diagnostic procedures.

Another is location. This can be a tricky one. While it’s better to choose an IVF clinic in Chicago based on the practice’s reputation, rather than its location, you’ll have to consider how much time you have to allocate for these appointments. On one hand, choosing an IVF clinic with a high success rate that’s a little further from your home or office may result in a quick success for you versus going to a practice that’s closer, but will require several more visits.

Also important is reputation. Talking with other individuals going through IVF is extremely helpful, and finding out which IVF clinics in Chicago they recommend and why can help narrow down your choices. Asking about different doctors and their communication styles can also help ease some of your difficulty in selecting a clinic.

Ask about success rates. Many clinics are willing to discuss their rates, but be aware that sometimes the statistics are only a subset and may not be the complete picture. The Centers for Disease Control releases an annual report, although the statistics may be a couple years old. In any case, you should consider an IVF clinic whose success rate is higher than the national average. In theory, you should choose an IVF clinic whose success rate is higher than others in Chicago.

Cost is usually an important factor when choosing a clinic as well, though it should not be the deciding factor unless all other variables are the same. Costs for IVF clinics in Chicago will vary. When talking to each clinic, find out exactly what is covered and what’s included in the IVF cycle.

Whatever you decide in choosing an IVF clinic, know there are plenty of resources available to help you through your fertility journey in the Chicago area. Each of these will be able to guide you along for the best care and treatments.