In vitro fertilization or IVF treatment can be a scary thought for couples who are having difficulty conceiving. It’s a complicated procedure that requires a combination of specialists from various medical backgrounds. Fertility clinics that offer IVF need to have the necessary medical specialists including specialists from gynecology, endocrinology, embryology, urology, psychology, and surgery. A clinic that does not have the right specialists present could prove to be unsafe and result in unsuccessful treatment.

The IVF Treatment Team and What They Do

Before you make any type of commitment, research various facilities, know your spending limits, and ask which fertility treatment tests you will need to have done beforehand. When researching good IVF center, you want to check to make sure treatments include care from the following specialists.

Geneticist. An examination by a geneticist to assess possible genetic disorders like thalassemia in patients that can be passed down do fetus. It also helps identify and prevent complications during pregnancy.

Reproductive Endocrinologist. The endocrinologist will monitor changes in hormones during the treatment cycle.

Reproductive Surgeon. A reproductive surgeon will be needed for surgical corrections such as obstructions in the fallopian tubes, endometriosis. and urinary tract disorders.

Urologist. A urologist will be needed in case there are obstructions in the male’s urinary tract.

Embryologist. An embryologist specializes in preserving viable embryos after fertilization. Their expertise is in freezing unused embryos and ensuring their safety and viability.

Immunologist. Should there be complications during implantation, and immunologist may be needed to handle immune-related issues.

Andrologist. Andrologists specialize in monitoring male hormones and sperm quality. The andrologist prepare sperm for the final fusion with the ova.

Gynecologist. The gynecologist treats any basic care related to the woman’s body.

Psychologist. Fertility treatments can be incredibly stressful on all parties involved. Patients often experience mental and emotional exhaustion throughout the IVF process.

These infertility doctors work in tandem to create ensure a successful pregnancy. All IVF doctors will hold a medical degree as well as an abundance of experience in their particular field. For a successful IVF treatment, providing care is a team effort among specialists. It’s imperative in order for patients to have an emotionally and physically rewarding treatment.

Because IVF is often a last resort for those seeking to have a child, an opportunity to take advantage of vulnerable patients by fake IVF doctors is rising. That’s why it’s important to make sure you research infertility doctors near me and research thoroughly.

A good IVF doctor will walk you through the entire process, have discussions and help you plan out the smallest details in order to increase your chances of a viable pregnancy. If you’re in Illinois, then you’ve likely heard about the amazing care IVF Center Chicago provides to patients. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call or visit. Whether you choose us or another fertility clinic, make sure you check the success rates of facility. We can answer all your fertility and IVF questions so that you will be able to make the best decision for you and your family.