As you might recall from my last post, I had 30 eggs collected, and 10 made it to Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS). Out of those 10, five were considered genetically normal. They do know the genders of the normal embryos, but we’ve decided we don’t want to know. We have asked for the best quality embryo to be implanted during our Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). To be honest, I’m a little surprised that we only had five come back genetically viable. As a 31-year-old, I expected a greater ratio to come back normal. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very, very grateful for having five healthy embryos. I’m also glad I did the test to up my chances of a successful pregnancy.  Dr. Miller says that even in your 20s and 30s, a large percentage of eggs are genetically abnormal.  Add to this, the fact that sperm can also be abnormal, it is not surprising that only 50% of the embryos were tested to be normal.  He said to have five embryos tested and healthy is really very good.

This week, I went in for my FET consultation where they went over my schedule in detail. An FET is great because I now have a pretty solidified schedule for the next month and a half, so I can plan my life. The schedule was based on my ovulation, but unfortunately, I did not ovulate naturally this cycle yet. This happens sometimes because of all the stimulants in my system from my retrieval and hormones can sometimes throw off your cycle. Because of this, I was instructed to inject 3ml of Progesterone in Oil (PIO) intramuscularly to induce my period. I should have my period in the next 7-10 days and they will be able to better control my cycle once that happens. I found the PIO shot to not be as bad as people made it out to be, but again, this was my first one! I used a heating pad before/ after and massaged the contents of the shot into my bum. I was also instructed to start my Lupron injections on Friday.

FET Schedule
FET Schedule

After that, I start taking Estrace which helps build the lining to allow a successful implantation,  Progesterone to help nourish the lining to maintain implantation and a few other things in preparation for my FET on August 28th! I do have to go in for a few more blood/ultrasound tests in the next week, but transfer day is coming up fast! I’m a little nervous that I won’t get my period, which could delay things, but it’s completely out of my hands! I’m just going to focus on self-care for the next month, and make sure I’m doing everything I can to keep myself healthy and happy!
