If you’re having trouble conceiving, there are plenty of fertility treatments you can try. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for several months without any luck, you should contact a fertility specialist. The specialist will do a thorough examination and collect your medical history to determine what’s causing your fertility issues.

How do I know if I need fertility treatments?
When you visit the fertility specialist, he or she will test you and your partner to see what the cause for the problems are. Sometimes the treatments will be just for you, or just your partner, and sometimes it’s a combination to boost the chances between the two of you.

What type of fertility treatments are there?
There are many options for fertility treatments. There are fertility drugs which regulate hormones and trigger multiple egg releases each month. Surgery is another option which can correct any gynecological problems, such as removing fibroids, remove tissue caused by endometriosis, or treat PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). In vitro fertilization (IVF) is another popular method in which eggs are removed from your ovaries, fertilized with sperm, and then the resulting embryos are transferred to your uterus. There is also intrauterine insemination (IUI), the use of donor eggs or sperm, and surrogacy. Because of the plentiful options, you and your doctor can work together to find the fertility treatments that are best for you.

How much do fertility treatments cost?
Fertility treatments range in price depending on the procedure and whether they are covered by insurance. In some states, fertility treatments are covered by insurance. Consult with your doctor to see what’s covered by your insurance and what you can afford to spend.

Will fertility treatments work for me?
The outcome for each individual varies. For some, it will work immediately, and for others it might take some time. Make sure you talk with your doctor and nurses about any concerns or questions you have,

What should I do while undergoing fertility treatments?
It’s important to build a strong support network of friends and other people who have undergone fertility treatments as well. You’ll find Facebook groups and other online networks where you can ask questions and listen to stories of others’ questions and struggles. Make sure you have supportive friends and family nearby too. It’s easy to feel alone during this time, but having that strong network will help you through some of the tougher moments.