I love being a gynecologist because I have the privilege to help women achieve better health. My goal as a doctor is to educate, inform and empower my patients so that we can work together as a team. Gynecology is a sensitive field and let’s face it, we all know how awkward an appointment and exam can be. I want women to feel comfortable discussing their concerns and issues without any judgement.

Often as the caretakers of their families, women push their own health aside. It is my job as a physician to work with my patients to ensure they prioritize their own health so they can continue to be healthy, strong and present for their families and loved ones.

Additionally, during many of my consultations, I act almost as a teacher by drawing figures and diagrams to help my patients and their family fully understand their disease and the various treatment options. So, when it comes time for treatment, the patient, her partner and her family are well-informed and ready for the next step. It is so important that patients know what to expect during and after their procedure. Listening to their worries, answering their questions and assuaging their anxieties is also a crucial part of the treatment process. I want to know what concerns them and want them to feel at ease that I have it covered. As I said, we are a team, and as a teammate I must work with my patient and guide her hand-in-hand through the process.

It’s almost ironic because not only do I consider myself a teacher of medicine, but I am also an eternal student. I have a love of learning, and practicing medicine allows me to consistently learn new things. Every day and every patient are always different and give me the opportunity to learn as I heal.

The best part of being a doctor is seeing and talking with patients I have helped. They are able to move on and enjoy their lives without having to deal with an issue that plagued them – for days, weeks or even years. Each patient has her own story, problems and goals and I love getting to know my patients in order to determine the best individual treatment plan.

I look forward to contributing more blog posts and helping women feel empowered to be an active participant in their healthcare.  Reach out to us in the comments below, contact us through our website and be sure to follow our Facebook page.
Be Well,

Dr. Kirsten Sasaki