Getting pregnant is a challenge for many couples trying to conceive. While there’s around a 25 to 30 percent chance per cycle that a woman will get pregnant in her 20s or 30s, that percentage decreases with age. Seeking professional help about infertility can be a stressful experience. However, if you and your partner are struggling with conception your seeing a fertility specialist can give you the best advice for your individual needs.

What’s the first line of treatment for infertility?
After your doctor diagnoses you with infertility or low chances of fertility, the first line of treatment for infertility is usually medication. Specific medications are engineered to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

How does my lifestyle affect my fertility?
While fertility chances can weaken with age, your health conditions can help improve or lower your chances for conception. Illnesses that affect the thyroid can affect women’s fertility. Cancer, poor nutrition, and infections can affect the reproductive chances of both men and women, just as smoking, drinking alcohol and come medications. Being in good health condition prior to conception ideally helps increase chances of pregnancy.

Will surgery be involved in infertility treatment?
If your infertility involves issues with your reproductive organs, your doctor may opt to perform female fertility surgery. Surgery could be used to fix blocked or fallopian tubes so that an egg can be released and fertilized successfully.

What are the risks involved with infertility treatments?
Some fertility medications may have side effects. Fertility surgery, like most surgeries, can run the risk of infection. Fallopian surgery can increase the risk for ectopic pregnancy, a serious condition where the fertilized egg and later fetus grows outside of the uterus.

What are my chances of success with fertility treatment?
Some estimates put infertility treatment between an 85 to 90 percent success rate. Of course, it depends on the type of treatment and other variables like the patient’s health and age. For example, doctors could estimate that Intrauterine insemination or IUI (artificial insemination) could have a 20 percent chance for success while an embryo donation could have a 50 percent chance for success. Your doctor will be sure to give you a better idea of your chances of success with different treatments based on your individual needs.

Beginning your journey into fertility treatment can be overwhelming, feel complicated, and scary. Before selecting a fertility clinic, make sure you research fertility specialist near me to research infertility specialists in your area. A well-established fertility clinic will usually be more than accommodating and welcome questions about their specialists and discuss any concerns you may have. Your doctor will be able to provide options and offer you realistic advice. The right fertility specialist should be able to provide easy-to-understand information so that you are well prepared to make the best, informed decisions about growing your family.